ESV Text Edition: 2016. And the king of the south shall be strong, and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion. 15 So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take the most fenced cities: and the arms of the south shall not 27The two kings, with their hearts bent on evil,(AA) will sit at the same table and lie(AB) to each other, but to no avail, because an end will still come at the appointed time. Click here for the audio of this presentation get to know the Bible better! 7One from her family line will arise to take her place. The younger, Antiochus III Magnus, (Antiochus the Great) (223-187) regaining much of the lost territory and then took the Seluecid throne. WebDaniel 11 1Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, evenI, stood to confirm and to strengthen him. Daniel 11:2-20 Who are the Kings of the North and South? 20His successor will send out a tax collector to maintain the royal splendor. It is a land whose king has no respect for the Lord and openly challenges Him (Ex. Job 38:15 And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be broken. Someone will kill her, her husband, her child and His kingdom then divided among his four generals: Alexander was only 33 when he died and one of the most influential military minds the world had ever seen. This is the rise of the little horn of Daniel 8:9 which came up out of one of the winds (the west). Daniel 7 refers to the fourth beast (Rome) as devouring and breaking in pieces. Since Philip of Macedonia had aided the Carthage leader, Hannibal, in the Punic wars, Rome saw him as a threat. Such as never was since there was a nation. 21He will be succeeded by a contemptible(U) person who has not been given the honor of royalty. Web11 Then, in a rage, the king of the south will rally against the vast forces assembled by the king of the north and will defeat them. They became the most important commercial port on the Mediterranean and they also controlled the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. He not only invaded Syria, but went to Babylon and took molten images. 18Afterward he shall turn his face to the coastlands and shall capture many of them, but a commander shall put an end to his insolence. The king of the south's daughter will go to marry the king of the north. Ptolemy made peace with Antiochus III which turned out to be a mistake since Antiochus would recover and shift the balance of power in favor of the Seleucid dynasty. WebThe daughter of the king of the South will go to the king of the North to make an alliance, but she will not retain her power, and he and his power will not last. And he shall stand in (X)the glorious land, with destruction in his hand. (BA)He shall prosper (BB)till the indignation is accomplished; for what is decreed shall be done. 16But he who comes against him (M)shall do according to his own will, and (N)no one shall stand against him. Those who acknowledge him he shall load with honor. Their form of government was city centered, yet each city was answerable to the larger Seleucid kingdom. 2:10, [Deut. After Diocletians death, Constantine asumed ruleship of Rome. Antiochus III the Great had taken Palestine away from the Ptolemy, Antiochus IV Epiphanes actually lost control of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem for the first time in years enjoyed a short period of independence. 12 When the army is carried off, After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him. The King of the North and South figure prominently in Daniel 11. 8:13; 12:11], [See ver. WebDaniel 11 Commentary Daniel 11 Commentary Summary: Read Daniel 11 KJV along with a helpful commentary. 31His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. The restraint offered by the priests so angered him that when he returned to Egypt he killed several thousand Jews who then lived in Egypt. 26Even those who eat his food shall break him. For example: Statues of Isis and Horus were renamed Mary and Jesus. The Persian fleet was all but annihilated and Xerxes retreated. A second condition which prepared the Christians for their departure from truth and for their eventual union with Pagan. Indeed,[d] he (Z)shall turn his insolence back upon him. And (S)after some years[b] he shall come on with a great army and abundant supplies. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. Fifty years later, Rome took the key cities of the former Greek Kingdom. 11.20 26Yes, those who eat of the portion of his delicacies shall destroy him; his army shall [l]be swept away, and many shall fall down slain. 16The invader will do as he pleases;(L) no one will be able to stand against him. They were pillaged and burned in the same year 146 B.C. And then you claim that the King of the North is Russia, and you claim that Russia will be overwhelmed, while both Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11:40-45 indicate that the King of the North will be successful at first. he had built his army to the point that he was ready to attack Egypt. 11 And the king of the South will be enraged and go out and fight [ a]with the king of the North. Antiochus III recovered quickly from this defeat and began expanding his empire, campaigning in the east (11:13-16). Required fields are marked *. 36And the king shall (AW)do as he wills. So he shall return and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant. 12 When the army I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease; and their holy places shall be defiled. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! 8:8). His shadow fell over the known civilization of his time and is still influencing the world today. Download Printable View Table of Contents And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. Ptolemy III Euergetes returned to his own kingdom. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than theyall: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia. The inhabitants of Corsica and Ardinia were sold in the slave markets of Rome. 23And after the league is made with him (V)he shall act deceitfully, for he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. In Sirach 50:1-4 he is listed among the righteous. It was Julius Caesar, a nephew of Marius, who first gained emperor status. Ptolemy I Soter (323-285) controlled Egypt, first as a satrap, but took the title king in 305. Xerxes (486-465) has been identified as the fourth king since the time of Jeromes commentary. Xerxes was perhaps the wealthiest of the kings of Persian, building the empire with the largest army of the era, 2.6 million men. He invaded Greece, although was turned back in 480 B.C. He shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her: but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him. Indeed, as a child Antiochus IV Epiphanes had been taken a hostage to Rome, as a means for Rome to control his father Antiochus III Magnus (the great). 33And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering. 6 After some years # [ver. Web11 Then the king of the South will march out in a rage and fight against the king of the North, who will raise a large army, but it will be defeated. Tiberius was not a direct heir to the throne, yet through the help of his convincing mother, he acquired the throne. In 2019 he published a commentary. 20Then shall arise in his place one who shall send an (AD)exactor of tribute for the glory of the kingdom. Your email address will not be published. 4But you, Daniel, (AS)shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall (AT)run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase., 5Then I, Daniel, looked; and there stood two others, one on this riverbank and the other on that (AU)riverbank. And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall. While the king of the north is interested in occupying the place of God, usurping His role, the king of the south simply does not care. Three kings of Persia * are yet to appear; and a fourth shall acquire the greatest riches of all. Antiochus III the Great (241-187) was determined to drive the Ptolemies out of Syria. It was Pagan Rome that would spoil the land of Israel, and destroy it, and continue to fulfill the vision of the fourth beast with the stout horn in Daniel 7 speaking blasphemies, changing Gods laws, and persecuting Gods faithful. Daniel 11:2 Daniel 11 is a long and detailed prophecy about the dynastic conflicts between these two powers, their respective leaders being referred to as "the king of the Follow Christ's journey to the Cross. So the king of the south shall come into his kingdom, and shall return into his own land. Daniel 11 is begins with a general history of the end of the Persian Empire (11:3), the Rise of Alexander the Great (11:3-4) and the complicated maneuvering of the Greek Ptolemaic kings in Egypt and Greek Seleucid kings in Syria. 1 and in the first year of Darius the Mede I stood to strengthen him and be his refuge.. Kings of the South and North 2 Now then, I will reveal the truth to you. The treacherous act against Bernice caused her brother a large army against the Seluicid kingdom. WebVerse Daniel 11:6 After some years, the king of the south and the king of the north will agree to be friends. And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. Ptolemy IV Philopater (221-203) was a weak and indecisive king and did not act to defend his territory until the Antiochus III was in Egypt (11:11-12). When he did act, he was relentless. 47.2 WebIn Daniel 11:40 we read of the king of the South attacking the king of the North at the time of the end. While the setting of this prophecy is quite clear (the time of the end), WebThe daughter of the king of the South will go to the king of the North to make an alliance, but she will not retain her power, and he and his power will not last. WebClarke's Commentary. Antiochus IIIs defeat will pave the way for Antiochus IV Epiphanes to take the control of the Seleucid dynasty. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! When he has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece. This text is the same as Daniel 8:5 refers the He Goat who came from the west with the horn between his eyes. 7.22,24,25 And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those. (30 B.C.) Now Rome is moving forward to conquer the whole Hellenistic World. WebThe Prophet Daniel wrote about a future confrontation between the king of the north and the king of the south. (AC) 28The king of the North will return to his own country with great wealth, but his heart will be set against the holy covenant. 24:21; Mark 13:19, NKJV, Abide Bible, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version, NKJV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture. And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south ( Daniel 11:13-14): So the king of the north came back again, which was Antiochus Megas, known as Antiochus the Great. In Acts 18:2 we read that the emperor Claudius (41-54) commanded all Jews to depart from Rome. She also killed Berenice, her children, attendants and supporters. 9Then the latter shall come into the realm of the king of the south but shall return to his own land. Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits , and return to his own land. 4And when he has arisen, (E)his kingdom shall be broken up and divided toward the four winds of heaven, but not among his posterity (F)nor according to his dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom shall be uprooted, even for others besides these. Strengthened by his riches, he shall stir up all kingdoms, even that of Greece. (Q) 19After this, he will turn back toward the fortresses of his own country but will stumble and fall,(R) to be seen no more.(S). 43He shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow (AH)at his heels. Ezekiel 38:8,9 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them, Daniel 11:7,13,15,40 But out of a branch of her roots shall one stand up in his estate, which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shall prevail: . Also, [e]violent men of your people shall exalt themselves [f]in fulfillment of the vision, but they shall (K)fall. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Book Review: Brian J. Tabb, All Things New: Revelation as Canonical Capstone, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. WebDaniel 11 1 I have been standing beside Michael to support and strengthen him since the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede.) And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times. He will attack the forces of the king of the North(F) and enter his fortress; he will fight against them and be victorious. For less than $5/mo. WebDaniel 11:15Authorized (King James) Version. 2 Now I shall tell you the truth. Want the Verse of the Day sent to your inbox? WebDaniel 11 English Standard Version The Kings of the South and the North 11 And as for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen him. He was to be strong. Daniel 11.6 The angelic guide says many of your own will join the king of the North. 10(BC)Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, (BD)but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but (BE)the wise shall understand. 36Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall (AA)exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done. 36 above]; [ch. The geography of these two kings leaves Palestine as a buffer zone, a key strategic point for both kingdoms. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at Following the death of Sulla, Pompey was elected consul (70 B.C. 46:7, 8; 51:42; Dan. After Julius Caesars death, Octavian seized power after a short struggle. At the time appointed he shall return, and come And tens of thousands shall fall, but these shall be delivered out of his hand: (BJ)Edom and (BK)Moab and the main part of the (BL)Ammonites. At last the unity of the Roman Empire was under the power of a single ruler. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. 16:14 moved with rage, and go out and fight with him, with the king of the North, who shall muster a great multitude; but the # (Ps. For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches. 16But he who comes against him shall (V)do as he wills, and (W)none shall stand before him. 10However his sons shall stir up strife, and assemble a multitude of great forces; and one shall certainly come (G)and overwhelm and pass through; then he shall return (H)to his fortress and stir up strife. Conjunctive waw, Preposition-l | Noun - masculine singular construct, Verb - Hitpael - Imperfect - third person masculine plural, To unite, be joined, to tie a magic knot or spell, to charm, Conjunctive waw | Noun - feminine singular construct, Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person feminine singular, Preposition-l | Verb - Qal - Infinitive construct, Evenness, prosperity, concord, straightness, rectitude, Conjunctive waw | Adverb - Negative particle, To inclose, to hold back, to maintain, rule, assemble, Conjunctive waw | Noun - feminine singular construct | third person masculine singular, Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person masculine singular, Preposition-b, Article | Noun - common plural, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Nifal - Conjunctive imperfect - third person feminine singular, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Hifil - Participle - masculine plural construct | third person feminine singular, Conjunctive waw, Article | Verb - Qal - Participle - masculine singular construct | third person feminine singular, To bear young, to beget, medically, to act as midwife, to show lineage, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Hifil - Participle - masculine singular construct | third person feminine singular, To fasten upon, to seize, be strong, obstinate, to bind, restrain, conquer. In the end time scenes we once again will see another world leader. So he shall return and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant. And when he hath taken away the multitude, his heart shall be lifted up; and he shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it. Antiochus II Theos put away his own wife, Laodice, in order to marry Berenice. (J) 12When the army is carried off, the king of the South will be filled with pride and will slaughter many thousands, yet he will not remain triumphant. This will again be seen in the Islamic take over of the south during the Middle Ages when the stout horn of the fourth beast has supremacy in the North. IV, page 73) The statues of the gods from the Pantheon are now found in the Vatican Museum. This tax brought the parents of Christ to Bethlehem. 2:4]. Rome would utterly consume their homeland by 134 A.D. Daniel 11.17 This passage is about the history found in the prophecy in Daniel 11, from our perspective Daniel 11:2-20 is fulfilled prophecy (so, history), some people just see it as history and dont accept that we are just in the birthing pains of the end times. 37He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or to the one beloved by women. For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches. The falling away that the man of sin be revealed, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Both Darius and Xerxes attacked the Greek States. It stands for human pride. WebDaniel 11.5 And the king of the south shall be strong, and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at He will persecute the Jewish people and lead to the events of the Maccabean revolt. But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return, and be stirred up, even to his fortress. Daniel 8:4 refers to the Persian kings as the Ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward, who became great. Phillip J. Long has taught full time at Grace Christian University since 1998, specializing in Bible and Biblical languages. Both Corinth and Carthage, commercial rivals of Rome. Antiochus III Magnus, took advantage of this seeming weakness in Egypt and made extensive preparations to invade Egypt. The king of the south's daughter will go to marry the king of the For less than $5/mo. After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him. WebAnd both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. And many shall join themselves to them with flattery, 35and some of the wise shall stumble, so that they may be refined, (AS)purified, and (AT)made white, until (AU)the time of the end, (AV)for it still awaits the appointed time. (The Story of Civilization, Vol. 25And he shall stir up his power and his heart against (AJ)the king of the south with a great army. 12 When he has taken away the multitude, his heart will be [ d]lifted up; and he will cast down tens of thousands, but he will not 24When the richest provinces feel secure, he will invade them and will achieve what neither his fathers nor his forefathers did. Antiochus III saw his chance, made an alliance with the King of Macedonia, and attacked Egypt. And he shall come into countries and (BH)shall overflow and pass through. Students of Bible prophecy have often wondered about the role of the "king of the South" in the end time. Daniel chapter 11 prophecies span from the time of Daniel until the rise of the Roman Catholic Church. 7And from a branch from her roots one shall arise in his place. Daniel 8:5-8 speaks of this he-goat coming from the west and tramping the ram which was Persia. 8And he shall also carry their gods captive to Egypt, with their [c]princes and their precious articles of silver and gold; and he shall continue more years than the king of the North. WebThe Bible in other languages1. To strengthen him prophecies span from the Pantheon are now found in the Vatican Museum is ;... Form of government was city centered, yet through the help of his convincing,... Pleases ; ( L ) no one will be enraged and go and... In 480 B.C, Inc. Used by permission her brother a large army against the.. Place one who shall send an ( AD ) exactor of tribute for the latest news and deals from Gateway. Roman empire was under the power of a single ruler this text is the same as Daniel refers. He was ready to attack Egypt ) do as he wills Mediterranean Sea stand in ( X ) glorious! But took the title king in 305 Sirach 50:1-4 he is listed the... 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daniel 11 king of the north and south